MontaStep | UI/UX Case Study

Goal-setting platform helping people break their goals down into smaller steps.

MontaStep Case Study


Setting big goals can be intimidating, especially when you have a history of not accomplishing your goals in the past. By breaking these goals down into smaller ones, the big ones become easier to attain.

"As an early-stage start-up, being able to entrust someone with our customer journey and experience is a big deal and Laxsan has been stellar throughout our working relationship."

Chris James CEO of Classlete
- Chris | CEO, Classlete
Testimonial Quote

Project Goals and Objectives

The primary goal of the MontaStep design project was to create a user-friendly web app that would help users set and achieve their goals. Designing and developing a website that effectively explains the value of the product and generate leads was another goal for this project. The last objective was to create marketing strategies that would help spread awareness and build trust with potential users.

User Research

I started by conducting extensive research on other goal-setting and related platforms, and analyzing user behavior and preferences. Based on my research, I created a very simple user persona to help guide me in my design decision making.

User Persona

Webplate Screenshot

User Flow

Webplate Screenshot

Final Product

Webplate Screenshot Webplate Screenshot Webplate Screenshot
Webplate Screenshot


The MontaStep landing page has generated over 1200 signups in 30 days for the waiting list, with a conversion rate of ~14%. The web app has been tested with initial beta users, and recieved positive reviews in respects to the overall user-experience of the product.

"He was always willing to lend a helping hand, share his knowledge, and collaborate with other members of the team to achieve project goals. He also showed a great deal of initiative, taking ownership of his work and constantly looking for ways to improve the user experience."

Dom CTO of Classlete
- Dom | CTO, Classlete
Testimonial Quote

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